We had a beautiful Spring day in An Grianán today, with lots happening in the garden with Annette from Heritage in Schools.
Crocuses, Snowdrops and Daffodils are in bloom; catkins and flowers have appeared on the Willow, Hazel and Alder. Rhubarb, Iris and other perennials are beginning to grow back too. We harvested seeds for the library from some biennials, Mullein and Teasel and cleared some of last year's dead growth from the sensory beds.
In the vegetable boxes the Junior Infants Broadbeans and the Second Class garlic sown in Autumn are doing well. Fifth Class are still waiting to harvest last year's Purple Sprouting Broccoli and the added some Carrot seeds to their box. Senior Infants and Fourth Class sowed Radishes and Sixth Class planted Onion sets. The First Class bed is still covered, warming the soil for potato planting soon. Third Class cleared out their bed and will add some Beetroot and Runner Beans in the next few weeks.
We also did lots of observing signs of Spring and used the Merlin app to identify some of the birds who were singing loudly in the sun.